Friday, June 03, 2005

Twitching eyeballs

Never make for great meetings.
On the regular at least.
However, our meeting with our brand new client went fabulous!
I love clients that actually get the value of great advertising. People who look at ads the way they look at art in motion – its awfully endearing. Especially when you know the flip side of that coin – clients who view advertising as nothing more than a vehicle of obligation. They don’t get the ideas, they don’t understand the target and yet, they almost always feel that their bad ad – is the way to go.

Tonight promises to be entertaining. A bunch of like-minded sistrens are joining in support of besharam – a once a month south asian extravaganza of great fusion music and cheap booze. Nothing says Indian like a bunch of hidras (asexual people oftentimes predominantly XY looking folks dressed as females) shakin their groove thang to bollywood ballads. The high point: definitely catching up with those like minded individuals. They’ve been on far reaching adventures (a la Mexico) and im ready to get the inside scoop.

Saturday promises to be relaxing. And since im sleeping over at M’s tonight, im pretty sure that by tomorrow evening im gonna be itching to go home – to my bed, my family and most of all my morose puppy.

Sunday – nothing but goodness – get my eyebrows done, do my nails, write some radio – oh yeah shit, ive gotta work.

Until then and maybe later – be blessed.

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