Sunday, February 05, 2006

The alphabet

the way it should've been written.


A is for Age:
25…but I’ve celebrated that anniversary three times ;)

B is for Booze of choice:
Vodka preferably mixed with some cranberryesque

C is for Career:
Well C should be for change because that’s pretty much defined my career so far – the only constant is the written word.

D is for your Dog's name:
Sparky..plung…pulee…my hyperactive lil crap-factory

E is for Essential items you use every day:
cell phone, blistex, iPod

F is for Favorite song at the moment:
Collide – Howie Day (don’t laugh..i could be mushy)

G is for favorite Games:

H is for Hometown:
Toronto, Ontario

I is for Instruments you play:
Guitar at 7 – got one, then quit. Piano in my teens – then quit. Flute for a semester.

J is for Jam or Jelly you like:
Raspberry chunks…yummmers…no sugar added of course.

K is for Kids:
Maybe later – thanks.

L is for Last kiss:
Mikey (urgh, the bane of being in a long term relationship is never having multiple last kisses)

M is for Most admired trait:
flirtatiousness….huh! and that was from Rama – so…guess I don’t really have a most admired trait (note to self: get one pronto)

Most admired by others:
my intelligence (hehe) – okay fine, I guess they’d think I’m quite gregarious.

N is for Name of your crush:
Do girls count ?
D’Angelo….but, only in that one video – ladies, you know the one I’m referring to.

O is for Overnight hospital stays:
a couple times…but I just stuck around for the really bad coffee 

P is for phobias:
failure, failure and more failure – not just a phobia but a paralyzing fear. That and amounting to nothing.

Q is for quotes you like:
If you think you can – you can. If you think you can’t – you probably won’t.

R is for biggest Regret:
I should’ve slept more in my youth – especially during university – I’m starting to feel the lack of sleep catching up.

S is for Sweets of your choice:
Umm..where should I begin and how many days do you have? Unfortunately, I’ve been cut off.

T is for Time you wake up:

U is for Underwear:
all the time, thank you.

V is for Vegetable you love:
corn on the cob, broccoli, eggplant, okra, spinach & daal

W is for Worst Habit:
expecting the worst, procrastinating

X is for X-rays you've had:
atleast 4 or 5

Y is for Yummy food you make:
Good butter chicken, a mean lasagna and the best: a really yummy cup of joe!

Z is for Zodiac sign:
Cusp: libra/scorpio. If you ask a tamil astrologer – I’m a pisces. GO figure

strangely, this exercise was a moment of introspection.
woah. i think i need a hug.


Sue V. said...

my biggest fear is failure too! u think that's a writers' thang?

kovoor36 said...

i remember the d'angelo video.... ooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeee!!:)

Soulsysta said...

suse: i think it might be a human thing. Or maybe just a humans our age thing...either way, if you find the remedy - make sure to pass it along.

Nina: i know you do ;)