Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top 10 list of life's simple and inexpensive pleasures

simple and those are two words that rarely play a part in my vocab. i am THAT girl where everything that means anything is usually a complicated chaotic conundrum that costs an arm, leg and a kidney at least(if you are lucky). so having read this on someone's blog - i accepted the open tag as a challenge of sorts. let's see how long it takes me to document 10 simple and inexpensive pleasures, in no particular order.


one: re-reading a book from my personal collection, with a venti latte (non-fat, extra hot, extra wet, with a splash of sugar free vanilla) on my balcony in the sun. bliss.

two: going home to play with bailey. he is the simplest pleasure i know. he loves without expectation - except for the occasional walk, belly rub and treat. In fact, he'll even settle for a stalk of celery and a cuddle-nap with his bff's. i'm lucky that his circle of trust includes me.

three: hanging out with my family. this feels like a cop-out answer. everyone who knows me knows that they define me in so many ways. however, spending time with them is in fact a simple and inexpensive pleasure - so there.

four: Co. Bigelow lemon lip cream. every application makes me swoon. Not only is it a staple in my bag but it's also a great pick-me-up.

(pause: to answer a couple questions on a brief + defend the key message)

five: revisiting old memories. i heart albums bursting with all sorts of moments. i'm camera-happy all the way and tend to document every moment to the chagrin of those around me. but it makes for hours and hours of stumbles down memory lane :)

six: long phone chats with the bff. the best. only trumped by long chats with the bff in person.

(pause: two phone calls + one cup of coffee + great news - JCrew is having another sale!)

seven: an apres-dinner stroll with the hubs (minus our wallets) through the urban cityscape that we call home.

eight: sleep. elusive and oh-so-enticing.

nine: ammio's pittu.takes me back to 75 IBC Road.

(pause: reminder to fill in timesheets...bleh, the bane of my existence)

ten: writing. *sigh*. which reminds me - i need to get back to it.

and we're done.

i guess i am far more grounded than i gave myself credit for. It's 10:56am and it's time to scoot to a meeting. i heart those few and far between days when the world of advertising moves at a turtle's pace.


sibil said...

i love doing #1. even now when caffeine is a heavily limited commodity in my life, i love to grab some decaf coffee or indian chai and curl up with an oldie-but-goody selection from the book shelf.

your list is a great reminder to savor the simple things and value the important, basic things like good friends and family.

Sue V. said...

love this...maybe I'll put myself up to the same challenge. ;)