Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The great white north...

got its name for a reason.

And I am paying the price for a decision my parents made 18 years ago.

I am freezing in my little office.

Tucked away in a weathered brick building nestled in the heart of Toronto's Distillery District, I find myself hating this wintery weather even more so than years past. You see, outside my little green windows is a scene straight out of Dickens - softly falling snow, wrought iron gates, cobble stone pathways, winter-friendly flora strategically placed to brighten up the place and of course, the steady flame of antique street lamps. In fact, I live in a novel. Across the street from my building is an English Bakery with authentic EVERYTHING! Envy-inducing? Please, don't let it be.

Get a couple inches closer to that window and cast your eyes downward and you'll notice people slipping and sliding around, ice firmly lodged in-between those charming cobble stones and of course the slush left behind by throngs of foot-traffic.

Beauty comes with it's own price. In this case, a mighty hefty one. Right now, I would willingly trade in my little piece of Dickens to be in the heart of downtown Toronto, in a massive cube-farm, all toasty and warm.

If anyone is willing to do a trade - please do let me know. My only caveat: I only do advertising. Which i realize could limit my trade options :)

Tonight - it's supposed to hit -21 and will feel more like -35.
Y.A.Y. M.E.

Every winter, I wish the same god darn thing. I wish i was back in Sri Lanka - a land fraught with political uncertainty - yes. But, a land enveloped in tropical heat with everything I hold dear - like sun, sand and clear blue seas.

*sigh* it's Tuesday folks and it's time to get back to work.

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