Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If it's meant to be...

It’s up to me.

don't mind the super random and way more optimistic than i feel quote of the day. if it's meant to be - it's actually not up to me. from 9 to 6pm - it's actually up to my boss. No really, my boss. At work. And after that my other other boss - also known as my husband takes over his shift. And on the weekends, my dad goes back to being the boss of me.

So really, it's rarely up to me :)
Although they are all quite good at letting me believe that I'm the boss of myself. Only when questioned though.

a little document-able tidbit that legitimizes what I’ve known all along: there is definitely a strand of crazy in my DNA.

So, I lied. Not just “off the cuff” lied but planned, plotted and schemed kinda lied. I did what every wife, jokes about doing but maybe thinks twice before pulling it off. In my case, I did think twice – as in, is this enough or should I add an extra sweater to the lot.

Yup, I did a little jcrewing online. In my defense, I was saving myself and my husband 20% as I gleefully took advantage of their final clearance sale. Hrmph. It would have been nice to be applauded for that. But instead, I got bated out by my own father.

So where did the lying happen? Well, I usually have all my things (mail and packages) delivered to my parents house – I never did get around to changing my addy especially since I always thought of our condo as being more of a temporary type of dwelling. Don’t ask me why – but in my logic – it made sense. Well dad decided to play a game of his own. And this is where you see the effects of a man who has lived thirty odd years in one house with four women. He has obviously picked up a thing or two about vengefully bating one out when he’s got his emotions and panties in a knot.

So dad bates me out. Mikey is surprised. Astonished actually. And I am not a happy or trusted camper. TheybasicallythinkISUCK. Now, the strange thing is that mikes is a big shopper just like myself – so I don’t really know why I lied. Knowing my husband, he would’ve just said: “Oh, that’s pretty – you should totally get it” and yet, I went ahead and lied about it.

I wonder what that says about me. Apart from the fact that in my old age, I’m becoming a pathological liar. My Dad would be so proud. I'm sure he'd say I inherited that from my mom's side of the gene pool.

And now, I’m off to trek through 20cms of once-fluffy-white-stuff to get to the streetcar, then subway, then car. Pray for me. Or even better, buy me a ticket to some tropical country. One way will do just fine, thanks.


Sue V. said...

ooh...busted! so what did you get??

Scorps1027 said...

i've succumbed to that JCrew 20% sale too..TWICE! And I've actually kinda stressed over the reaction of my husband esp. when we're in a no-spend zone lately. (who are we kidding? just i am!) End of the year belt tightening is the WORST, only b/c that's when the sales are at their best. Luckily, my warden saw the necessity in my purchases and I didn't get chewed out.

afterthoughts26 said...

LOL! In a woman's handbook of life clearance-purchased lies are totally fine :-) ive sent stuff to my work too!

Soulsysta said...

Me too! But I really shouldn't be considering that Mikes is all about the shopping - I mean, he totally endorses 99.9% of all purchases (including hundred and twenty dollar sweat pants) - so why do i lie?

that's the concern.

sue - i got a chocolate brown merino wool blend cardi with these little ruffles in the front, a swiss polka dot white shirt (a-dorable), a persimmon tank and a golden cypress rosette shirt. *sigh*

I got another email from Jcrew telling me they'll give me 30% off - they. are. EVIL. EVILEVILEVILITELLYOU.