Monday, March 28, 2005

A pastel rendition

Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.

Easter. I recently discovered that Easter is a time of renewal. Jesus Christ, in all his glory, rose from the dead and graced this doomed earthscape with his presence. So the egg reference is totally relevant to new life. The bunny? Not so much.

Church was packed. The intentions were all there though – people dressed up, looking good and ready to celebrate the re-birth of JC. Funnily, the sermon touched on the Da Vinci Code – something about those who choose religion based on an inherent bond vs. those who turn to the facts and are guided by them. According to M’s church, those who fall into the latter category are deemed misfits. M was just grateful that they kyboshed bashing gays during the course of the sermon. I had fun, I mean as much fun as one can have at a place of religious worship.

B taught me a new acronym – CNE – catholics who only go to church on Christmas N Easter. Hehe. Made me cackle with blue blooded Krishna infused joy. Not so righteous innit.

Lunch was divine. R joined us at M’s house. Uncle once again outdid himself. Let me tell you, the man is a culinary rockstar. We trudged through curried duck, coconut rice, ball curry, masala curd, brinjal bake (eek), devil chutney and the yummiest prawns ever. I felt like a blimp after that meal – it certainly was cause enough for celebration. I love M’s home, its so comfy and as R so insightfully pointed out: his folks are like a bunch of teenagers. Full of verve.

After a stuffy meal we picked up R & T, the newest Brit arrivals, who talked our ears off. T’s got so much energy that it baffles me – how does she recharge? After a viewing of Hitch, which im pretty sure the kiddieboppers weren’t really allowed to watch, we picked up their mom and headed to Pickering. Dinner was another hefty meal complete with a second helping of prawns (except my mom can’t touch uncle ronald’s even with a prayer and a miracle – but that’s okay).

Fun, certainly was had by all. A fascinating weekend filled with everything pastel and easter like.
And today, reality sets in.
Wednesday march 30th at 5pm – that’s the deadline for the Young Creatives Contest.
Im freaking out.
B, not so much.
I think im going to beat that punk ass.


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