Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Courtesy of Starf#&ks…

This little tidbit graced my venti 1% vanilla latte making it as profound a vehicle as Deepak Chopra or his pen pals.

The Way I see it #63
Our lives are inspired by the dreams we have from the earliest stages of our youth. When you combine passion and hard work, then success is always possible. While no road is ever straight, dedication and persistence will always lead you to your dreams.

Come On! – On my cup? I realize that advertising is powerful – I mean, you don’t have to preach to the converted. But on a cup? At just after 6am? I’m all for a little bit of inspiring self-talk now and again, heck – I even indulge in it myself (in front of a mirror in the comfort of my blazing orange room) – but corporate inspiration? Can Starbucks get more contrived than this?

No doubt, this is a piece of well-crafted marketing jargon to once again identify with the intellectually-rebellious, spiritually-grounded target group, that most of us happen to find ourselves in. But really, what’s next? Motivational messages on our TTC transfers?

Maybe I’m just having an easily irritable day – if that’s the case – pray for me folks – because today promises to be chaotic.


In other news – I also found out that while fear of failure is a popular hurdle to jump – fear of accomplishment is quickly catching up. So guess what – I’m the oxymoron that’s stuck in this catch 22 – yay me.

Monday, February 20, 2006

To love..

is to leave oneself open to pain.

Romantic or otherwise, the conclusion is crystal: every love ends in tragedy, because one of the lovers must die. That's Hemingway paraphrased.
Smart man. Knew much. Spoke less. And somehow, captured life beautifully.

tonight, it plagues me because I've got mortality on my mind and lead for feet. It keeps playing the same ole broken record - over and over and over again.

fear.what else is new?
fades to black.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


When the walls that surround your world, start to close in - that's when you realize the importance of the intangible that guides reason. Today, i hope that I find this elusive bird that brings peace on its wings.

Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.
--Rabindranath Tagore

Saturday, February 18, 2006

I know...I wish...I hope

inspired by lil niki whose got a surprisingly big heart!

I Live: in Toronto, Canada (land of the losing jays & phallic monuments)

I Work: in Corporate Communications – my creativity hasn’t quite left the building yet.

I Talk: non-freakin-stop

I Wish: for pure bliss to envelope the ones I adore.

I Enjoy: being loved.

I Look: like a little teapot – short and stout – (scary? Rama actually sang it – that’s scarier)

I'm sure: that there’s someone up there rooting for all of us.

I Find: that I’m still nursing the remnants of my vain and superficial past.

I Smell: like I’m Live, and charged. (bad puns aside: usually I smell like coco butter)

I Listen: to my dad secretly. I’d hate for him to think that I ‘follow’ his words ;)

I Hide: my insecurities quite well. Unfortunately, that’s all I seem to be able to hide.

I Pray: more than I thought I ever would in my youth.

I Walk: because nobody will carry me. I remember a time when walking was fun.

I Write: almost as much as I breathe.

I See: with my heart more than my eyes.

I Sing: off key – any and every chance I get.

I Laugh: and sometimes, even snort.

I love: my books and shoes. Oh and sometimes, my friends and family ;)

I can: make myself believe ANYTHING. (scary innit?)

I Watch: what I say to certain people – because the truth is hard to handle.

I Learn: on a daily basis just by being alive.

I Dream: more than one person should – and morosely, my dreams evolve.

I Want: to be the Brain. Any takers for Pinky?

I Cry: too freakin much these days – I think im menopausing or something.

I Burn: myself by loving too much, too fast, too often.

I Read: and worship the written word – in any avatar.

I Sometimes: wish I could change everything for the one’s I love. Most times, I just wish I had a Cadbury cream egg.

I Touch: because my fingers are rebellious as my cerebrum is.

I Hurt: when the one’s I love don’t love me as much.

I Fear: failure. Without a doubt.

I Hope: that my sisters experience the bliss that I chase so single-mindedly.

I Break: people’s hearts unwittingly. I used to always get accused of that in my youth.

I Eat: more than I should but less than I can.

I Quit: where should I start? Guitar, piano, the gym, smoking, optimism – all of em – gone.

I Bathe: Who has the time for that? I shower like a rockstar.

I Drink: copious amounts of caffiene and water.

I Save: words in the crevices of my mind. And sometimes, it’s the evil things that people say.

I Hug: the ones that need it the most. I used to be touch-phobic when I was little. Now, it’s quite the opposite.

I Meditate: more than I did in previous lifetimes.

I Play: this game of hide and seek with my dreams.

I Miss: my grandma and the innocence of walking barefeet alongside rail tracks in Colombo.

I Hold: the ones I love close to my heart.

I Forgive: but I never forget.

I Drive: an Antelope. No, no – I wish I drove an Antelope. I drive a civic – see how sometimes the truth - sucks?!

I Have: nothing that I will take with me when I leave.

I Don't: understand people without manners or dreams.

I Made: my sisters do everything for me when they were young. Now, they’ve flipped the script on my behind!

I Kiss: the ground at the temple and the cheeks of many in my life.

I Believe: that some of us are blessed enough to radiate nothing but goodness - I'm blessed to know many such people.

I Owe: so much to everyone for so many things. I’ve stopped counting and hopefully, they have too.

I Feel: like a one-winged bird sometimes but then I look across the room and realize that I come from a strong flock of air-defenders.

I Know: that this life is too short for regrets and too long to give up the things that bring you joy.

And my own additions:

I chew: each mouthful, carefully.
I will: make a difference in someone's life by writing something profound- one day.
I am: the answer to many of the questions that plague me.
I remember: the kindness of strangers and the thoughtfulness of those I love.
I'm grateful: for being alive.

that's all folks.
have a safe and happy weekend.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I heart....

(keeping with the spirit of St.Valentine...here is my Feb 14 06 list of things/people I'm feelin' in no particular order...)

early morning bus rides....vivid orange gerberas...raspberry chocolate coffee....Rama's ceaseless 4am alarm....Rama...my comforter....elepoo....the moment fire touches thiri in our pooja room...Amma at 5am...sunshine...the smell of sunlight on my clothes...Appa when he's grumpy...Rashmi when she's not...seedless cucumbers...big ole sunkist oranges...Tridents Vanilla-Mint Splash...laying on mikeys arm...the smell of sweat on sparks...Rammy's crazy laugh...Fallen by Sarah...old friends...Second Cup dates...a long romantic date with java and a book...orange bedrooms and work spaces...Trixie chasing her own tail...friends who are more like family...phone calls that connect the divide...blogs that motivate...flogs that reaffirm life's goodness...friends i've never met...friends i need to meet more often...cradling pudgy rakshaa...wedding emails from Mich...orange waterbottles...blistex...black pens…yogurt...to do lists (though they never get done)...mikey (annoyed or otherwise)...Verdana in a 10pt size...the smell of musky books...SJP in SATC...girlfriends to giggle with...laughter ( i need more of this)...coming up with excuses for not working out...all night dates...long conversations...pomegranates…stories (bed time or not)...presents...David sedaris...taking pictures of everything...Winners...waking up every morning...milk hoppers...motivational e-mails...being so blessed...brown people…things that sparkle...my iPod...coming home...me.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The alphabet

the way it should've been written.


A is for Age:
25…but I’ve celebrated that anniversary three times ;)

B is for Booze of choice:
Vodka preferably mixed with some cranberryesque

C is for Career:
Well C should be for change because that’s pretty much defined my career so far – the only constant is the written word.

D is for your Dog's name:
Sparky..plung…pulee…my hyperactive lil crap-factory

E is for Essential items you use every day:
cell phone, blistex, iPod

F is for Favorite song at the moment:
Collide – Howie Day (don’t laugh..i could be mushy)

G is for favorite Games:

H is for Hometown:
Toronto, Ontario

I is for Instruments you play:
Guitar at 7 – got one, then quit. Piano in my teens – then quit. Flute for a semester.

J is for Jam or Jelly you like:
Raspberry chunks…yummmers…no sugar added of course.

K is for Kids:
Maybe later – thanks.

L is for Last kiss:
Mikey (urgh, the bane of being in a long term relationship is never having multiple last kisses)

M is for Most admired trait:
flirtatiousness….huh! and that was from Rama – so…guess I don’t really have a most admired trait (note to self: get one pronto)

Most admired by others:
my intelligence (hehe) – okay fine, I guess they’d think I’m quite gregarious.

N is for Name of your crush:
Do girls count ?
D’Angelo….but, only in that one video – ladies, you know the one I’m referring to.

O is for Overnight hospital stays:
a couple times…but I just stuck around for the really bad coffee 

P is for phobias:
failure, failure and more failure – not just a phobia but a paralyzing fear. That and amounting to nothing.

Q is for quotes you like:
If you think you can – you can. If you think you can’t – you probably won’t.

R is for biggest Regret:
I should’ve slept more in my youth – especially during university – I’m starting to feel the lack of sleep catching up.

S is for Sweets of your choice:
Umm..where should I begin and how many days do you have? Unfortunately, I’ve been cut off.

T is for Time you wake up:

U is for Underwear:
all the time, thank you.

V is for Vegetable you love:
corn on the cob, broccoli, eggplant, okra, spinach & daal

W is for Worst Habit:
expecting the worst, procrastinating

X is for X-rays you've had:
atleast 4 or 5

Y is for Yummy food you make:
Good butter chicken, a mean lasagna and the best: a really yummy cup of joe!

Z is for Zodiac sign:
Cusp: libra/scorpio. If you ask a tamil astrologer – I’m a pisces. GO figure

strangely, this exercise was a moment of introspection.
woah. i think i need a hug.