Sunday, January 29, 2006

Blessed Fours

courtesy of sibil.

And Niki - who tagged me. When I wasn't looking - my apologies honey - next time I will practice some much needed mindfulness.

Four jobs I have had: (oy vey, where do i start)

1. Chuck E Cheese: Hostess which was fun and games until I was forced into Chuck's slimy suit on one ill fated day - i learnt this: kids can be mean spirited brats.

2. RA during my university days for a crotchety old music professor who while a musical genius couldn't stay on top of his research for shiiit.

3. Wedding Events Coordinator : for a local catering company. My first encounter with bridezilla's - probably also the reason I have issues concerning planning my own wedding.

4. Copywhore for an ad agency - looooved it, adored it, ate, drank, lived, shat, breathed it until i woke up and realized it was slowly but surely killing me :(

Four movies I could watch over and over:

1. Sound of Music (don't laugh)
2. Love Jones (when i believed i was the next big thing in spoken word)
3. Kannathil Mutham Ittal (an expose on the atrocities that befell tamil folk in SL)
4. 2-way tie- Garden State/Sideways

Four places I've lived :

1. Colombo, Sri Lanka
2. Malaysia
3. London, Englad
4. Toronto, Canada (since four is the limit on this thing)

Four TV shows I love to watch:

1. Sex and the City (over and over and over again)
2. Project Runway (im such a fashion-whore)
3. Will & Grace ( old school all the way)
4. 2 way tie: Everybody hates Chris/ Family Guy

Four places I've been on vacation (in loosely translated terms):

1. India - nothing beats the heat and the raw bustle of life.
2. London, England (minus the perpetual visiting of relatives)
3. Montreal, QC (still love it regardless of how domestic it seems)
4. NYC, New York

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Roti and butter chicken
2. Sushi/sashimi/endamme
3. Cadbury cream eggs (what? they were a food group at one time)
4. All things sea foody - cuttlefish/crab/salmon/shark/lobster...yum.

Four places I'd rather be right now (also, preferrably alone or with Rama):

1. Ooty, Coonoor - life was easy piecy there
2. NY - overlooking central park
3. London - getting lost in bustling crowds
4. Colombo - sunshine, waves, white sand, a world of culture wafting through

Four sites I visit daily:

1. Google
2. Rogers
3. Blog/Floglines
4. Frugal Bride (okay almost every other day)

Four peeps I am tagging:

1. Pri-pri (she fascinates me)
2. Bears (cuz why not!)
3. Taby (cuz I'd love to know more)
4. Chet (i still don't know too much about him - but im sure he won't touch this with a 10 ft pole)


that's all folks.


cookiemonsta said...

I wanted to go to Ooty so badly this last time I went to India. I just couldn't fit it in. I heard it's beautiful.

One day!!

happy roy said...

i was an RA in college too. =) yay! another blog to add to my bloglines. looking forward to reading your writing!

kovoor36 said...

i enjoyed getting to know you more too!! i cant believe you were the CHUCK E CHEESE once upon a time!!:)

Anonymous said...

Project Runway RULES!!