Monday, January 09, 2006

This year...

will be THE year of the jana - where resolutions are replaced by mini-activities that i plan to explore and hopefully accomplish in the next 356 days of this year.

You see, those who know me, know well that the mere word 'resolutions' triggers this rebel spirit into formulating secret ways of cheating, sabotaging or flat out breaking them. So this year, i refused to waste my energy on making said resolutions. They've been replaced by 'mini-activities to explore/accomplish' - a fancy to do list inspired by the infamous scorps1027.


10 Mini-Activities for 0-6.

1. Write more.

2. Get fit - physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

3. Be more mindful. (thath-thavam: to know thyself)

4. Talk less, listen more (same affliction)

5. To treat myself as I do the ones I love.

6. Tie a saree by myself (sans 3,000 safety pins)

7. Get involved in a not for profit activity - something communal.

8. Embrace every opportunity to spend time with the ones I love through this wedding planning process.

9. Reconnect with my girlfriends and apologize to them profusely for my self-afflicted absence

10. Quit pretending to have a thick skin and instead to actually grow one.


Bring it on 06 - cuz you ain't seen nothin' yet :)
(she bravely said before she was devoured by the storm...)


Scorps1027 said...

great resolutions! i see we have some similar ones:) here's to 2006 and becoming stronger forces to be reckoned with!!

Sue V. said...

good luck with those mini-activities...i'm sure you'll be able to tackle each one of them! as ice cube so wisely says...u can do it...put yo back into it!

cookiemonsta said...

ooh look what I found? :) More of my favorite person's writing!

Goodluck w/ accomplishing those resolutions my dear. you can do it =)

Anonymous said...

jana- i'm glad u joined fotolog;) and now i get to read more of your writing (which i am quite fond of) :)