Thursday, April 27, 2006


It never dawned on me how much I missed that characteristic scent of her. Or the way her hands, lighter than the brown skin I was loosely wrapped in, would stroke my nightingale locks. Or how her once dark hair speckled with grey flecks of experience, shimmered when the light illuminated her in 90degree parameters. Of the way her cheeks rose and fell at the command of her plump lips oftentimes whispering encouraging lyrics to wounded ears. To the wide eyed and idealistic ones, she was beauty defined. Ageless and transcending reality. That’s what I miss the most today. The ability to take one look at her shadowy pools of darkness and know that this too shall pass. Ironically, she taught me just that.

why is she on my mind? because 20 years ago to this very day, i was in her arms blissfully unaware that in 11 days - she'd fall through the cracks of karma and leave me searching...forever.


Sue V. said...

here's a word wrapped in asteriks for you too...;)

kovoor36 said...

hugs from me too!!