Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Too much about me...again.

1. WHICH FINGER IS YOUR FAVORITE? My index finger cuz well, she gets shit done.

2. WHAT IS YOUR MOST EMBARRASSING CD ON THE SHELF? Vanilla Ice (yes, yes, I was a fan – even after all the media hoopla)

3. DO LOOKS MATTER? Only if you’ve got a crappy personality.

4. HOW DO YOU RELEASE ANGER? Ranting to my bestest and writing it all out.

5. WHERE IS YOUR SECOND HOME? My daddy’s arms, my sister’s smile

6. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE TOY AS A CHILD? Pens and books (talk about a geek in the making) oh and lest I forget, rama.

7. WHAT CLASS IN SCHOOL DO YOU THINK IS TOTALLY USELESS? Calculus & Accounting (the former because well it did nothing for me and the latter because talking about money in such quantifiable terms made me want to cry)

8. WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A GUY/GIRL? Authenticity. Character. A good sense of self. Oh and someone who isn’t afraid to dream. And these days, LOYALTY.

9. WHAT ARE YOU NICKNAMES? Jana, Radhamma, Kunju, Mahale, Jans, Jana Banana, podi nona, Radhakka

10. HOW MANY WISDOM TEETH DO YOU HAVE? ½. Figures! I tend to save a little bit of everything.

11. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE IN THE OPPOSITE SEX? Face (I’m just a ‘great face’ kinda girl)

12. HOW ARE YOU TODAY? I'm feeling out of sorts – not sure why, just yet.

13. FAVORITE MONTH? July. Because well, that’s when my bestest met me.

14. ARE YOU TOO SHY TO ASK SOMEONE OUT? Not particularly – although the ring does cramp my style ;)

15. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? I’d like to think that I treat my relationships with the same excitement that a one night stand has – minus the après-deed guilt that is.



18. SAY ONE NICE THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU. These girls are fun and funny.

19. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PERFUMES? Body Sprays courtesy of Victoria and her secrets

20. NIKE, REEBOK OR ADIDAS? Puma thanks.

21. NAME TWO THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR PROFESSION. My new one? I’ll get to talk to lots of different people and hopefully have fun doing it.

22. FAV BRAND? BCBG, for the style & fit.

23. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Jillunu oru kadhal!

24. What is your favorite TV show? Project Runway!!! ANTM & other reality delights. King of Queens, SATC, Entourage, What I Like About You, The Sopranos, Seinfeld.

25. What did you have for breakfast? A cheese sandwich – in a sandwich maker – old school style.

26. What is your middle name? Radha.

27. What foods do you dislike? Bitter gourds.

28. What is your favorite crisp flavor? Salt and pepper. Boring but good.

29. What is your favorite CD at the moment? Whatever is on rotation on my iPod.

30. What kind of car do you drive? A civic. Yes, I am brown.

31. Favorite sandwich? Yummy tuna on 12 grain with avocado.

32. What characteristic do you despise? Dishonesty, infidelity, two-faced people.

33. Favorite item of clothing? Red riding hood rain jacket.

34. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you
go? Anywhere and everywhere that airlines are allowed to travel.

35. What color is your bathroom? Pink & more pink

37. Where would you retire to? Sri Lanka.

38. Favorite time of the day? Day break

39. What was your most memorable birthday? 4 b/c that’s when my bestest joined me.

40. Where were you born? 6° 54' N 79° 52' E (Colombo, Sri Lanka)

41. What fabric detergent do you use? Sunlight

42. Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning – as in 5am.

43. Do you have any pets? Sparky, trixie and some random fish that dad keeps killing and then replacing

44. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with friends and
family? Not really - my life is unfortunately boring.

45. What did you want to be when you were little? A lawyer/Novelist.

46. What do you hope your friends remember about you when you're dead?
That I gave them the best of me.

47 What are you most afraid of? Being a failure.

48. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? Italy, Bali or Kenya.

49. How do you eat an Oreo? Twist clockwise (x2), lick and then rip into that chocolatey goodness

50. Favorite magazine? InStyle, Oprah and Shape

51. Favorite smell? The air before a good downpour, my amma’s hair

52. Least favorite smell? Eggplants in oil

53. How many rings before you answer the phone? 3 and then my voice mail picks it for me.

54. Future child's name? Zoe & Ziggy (yes, I’m serious) ;)

55. Glass is half empty or half full? Half empty.

56. Favorite movie? A tie between Scarface and the Sound of Music

57. What's under your bed? Drawers – hello! What’s under yours?

58. Favorite saying/quote: sorry about your luck kid, thanks for coming out, no freakin way!

59. What advice would you give a little kid? If you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t – you probably won’t.

60. Your favorite Potato chips? Ketchup

63. What were your different jobs? Copywriter, gofer, event coordinator, marketing exec, telemarketer, freelance journalist…aw man, I am a jack of all trades!

64. Number and Location of Piercings? 6 - ears

65. Ever been to Africa? Only in my imagination (Kenya and Botsuwana are on my to do list)

66. Ever been toilet papering? Yup (3 years straight – on the coldest day in Feb)

67. Been in a car accident? A couple. Usually, not my fault. Unfortunately, that’s not always a general consensus.

68. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday – because I invariably feel like I’ve already accomplished so much by getting to that cherished mid-week point.

69. Favorite Resturant? The Fish House; SuSur
70. Favorite flower? cream and yellow Araliya’s (aka frangipani’s)

71. Favorite fast food restaurant? Subway

72. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? The question is: Which store would I NOT choose to max out my credit card!

73. Bedtime: these days, I drop at like 10:00pm

74. Last person you went to dinner with? My bestest.

75. How many tattoos do you have? 1 (hopefully that number will go up in the next 30 days)


kovoor36 said...

i liked this! and you dont use tide so im happy:) im trying my damndest to get to bali for our honeymoon, though i always thought abt an african safari growing up. lets see where the Lord guides me (financially!) hehe:)

Soulsysta said...

mmmm an african safari - girl, i hope God (& your budget) guides you that way too.

I forgot to change sibil's response to fave tv shows - but thats okay cuz well, i watch all those things too - except the Sopranos.


Scorps1027 said...

hehehe, i was like wow, jana & I like the EXACT same shows..how cool?! ahhh well. i loved learning about you thru this fun lil survey.