Monday, April 13, 2009

List Two: Five Flaws

Easter was nice. Busy but nice. I did something that I am highly unaccustomed to doing: giving away my stuff. AKA - a wardrobe purge. Mikey forced me into it - and considering that i had 6/7 things per hanger squished into my slidey closet - it made total sense. More so because I spend a fair bit on my clothes - and as much as I hate to admit it - your clothes do need some breathing room. So 3 garbage bags later - my closet feels lighter and strangely my life more organized. Who knew my clothes had so much to do with everything in my life!


Flaw one: i am all or nothing - all the time about everything.

Flaw two: i expect too much from people - from simple things like etiquette to bigger and more illustrious things.

Flaw three: i am loyal to a fault when we're talking about people i love.

Flaw four: i start things on a whim but rarely see them through.

Flaw five: i am allergic to the idea of saving.

Flaw six: i have zero will power about a lot of things.

Flaw seven: i rarely follow instructions.


hmmm...i could go on i think. but in the hopes of saving my self-esteem from a beat down - i think i'd like to stop now.

1 comment:

Sue V. said...

hmm...i'd like to be on the receiving end of your closet purge!!!

you're a brave soul to list your flaws!