Thursday, April 09, 2009

My Guilty Pleasure: List 1

A girlfriend at work recently bought a great designy book called Listography: Your Life in Lists. And it’s a gorgeous book for sure – the design is impeccable, the thoughtful renderings, the artistic feel – it’s all papier perfection. Flipping through it, I realized that it’s great fodder for those days when you feel like writing but you have nothing of any consequence to put out there.

So here we go – my first list.

My guilty pleasures (in no particular order):

1. Books: I know, I know. I can borrow them, devour them and return them. But there’s something so gratifying about owning great blocks of moving words…*sigh*

2. Shift dresses : I love a vibrant sheath of tangerine silk. Fuschia? Bring her on! The brighter the better and I will rock it all through the winter. Although recently – grey is my new neutral black.

3. Coffee: Despite the economic situation – I can always rationalize a great cup of coffee despite its price tag.

4. Fresh cut papaya/pineapple: a winter splurge that my belly loves and a summer staple I look forward to.

5. ‘Spend the days’ at home with the fam: it rejuvenates my spirit, refreshes my mind and readies me for the week ahead. Sure I feel bad that I leave my hubs for a whole day every weekend but hey, personal space can be a strengthening element in a marriage.

6. White summery linen: anything.

7. 700 Thread Count Sheets: swoon.

8. Long chats with bestie: a necessity

9. South Asian Literature: I’m not biased. I just have a favorite that my mind gravitates towards.

10. Shopping. I know I shouldn’t, especially now. But I love it.

1 comment:

Sue V. said...

i love your list....and i like the idea of coming up with one when you have writer's block. KEEP WRITING.