Wednesday, September 09, 2009


it's fall.

as in, the summer weather that was misplaced en route to me, is now officially being shooed out the door. yup, life is indeed - unfair.

september always smells of newness - more so than january does. summer's done. school's in. the markets pick up. life gets busy. and this year, i walked into the newness, complacently. Mind you that's only because nothing can compare itself to last year's entrance - sheathed in brave new decisions and navigating a new career path.

my mantra (the same old one) is to try to visit this spot a little more. post some more. write some more. vent some more. pen myself out of my issues - some more.

in the meantime, i was witness to a pretty gruesome marital spat in the last little while. the infuriated husband screamed: if I'm a bad husband it's because you are a bad wife.

my reaction:

a bad husband is not created by a bad wife. he is actually created by a bad mom and an unhealthy parental relationship. but nice try buddy.

yup. that's my thought for the day.and it nicely reflects the cynicism that's becoming a part of my so-called-nature.

1 comment:

Scorps1027 said...

glad to see you back blogging. i know the summer was short, but i do love the autumnal weather! there's this crispness in the air and i agree, a certain promise that comes along with fall, that i never feel about in january.