Thursday, September 24, 2009



or is it loose.

i. feel. like. jello.

jiggley and undefined.

that's what a lack of craziness can do to a type-a freak, like myself. this week has been painfully slow. i quite prefer the days of running around with an exposed artery, extinguisher in hand dealing with high profile accounts, knobheads, and putting out proverbial fires. This relaxed pace has my skin crawling.

maybe i need a shot of benadryl. who am i kidding - i need the whole bottle to stave off what i'm certain is an allergic reaction to "downtime". i need to learn how to relax and enjoy this - otherwise i'll be featured in the obituaries a lot sooner than anticipated.

so i suppose its time to go home and be a wife now.

and tonight is my unfortunate night to cook. please god, pray for me and the sweet potatoes that i am going to attempt to turn into fries - using an oven! oy. the recipes look super easy online - but when i get into executing them - they feel harder than the steep climb of mt. kilimanjaro. i'm fairly certain that i'll set the fire alarm off - after all, it's my nightly ritual. that's how i alert my neighbors that somethin's a-cookin in suite 1511.

i'm so lucky the hubs is too kind to say anything nasty and moreover, thank god for his iron belly.


1 comment:

Sue V. said...

how'd the fries turn out?? enjoy your down time, girl...I am enjoying your down time because you're writing more!!