Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Unpredictable air travel

R was scheduled to arrive from her sojourn in London at 2:30pm yesterday. And she would’ve too except for the slight mishap that befell her aircraft. Skyservices aircraft number 211 was derailed (the term of their choice) due to mechanical difficulties. The god damn mammoth of an aircraft was leaking oil and much like a pre-pubescent girl dealing with her first bout of woman-hood, it needed a mutha-effin time out. So R found herself, her 3 pieces of luggage and her fellow passengers stranded in Halifax.

The land of umm fish? I’m not sure. Because well, I’m largely ignorant and quite okay with that.

So she finally got into pearson at 11:45pm. I swear this must’ve been the world’s longest flight. Afterall she left Heathrow at 10 am her time (well their time). And she seems happy. Different. Mature. Calmer. As if somehow she stumbled upon a realization that made her more comfortable in her skin.

I’m ecstatic for her. Actually, that’s an understatement. I am over-joyed, over-the-moon, over- the- infinitesimal- universe. I realized quite a few things when she was gone – so perhaps this was a necessary break for all of us. Here are things I hope I don’t forget in a hurry:

• She is so precious – her insides emanate this intense sense of goodness – and yet, we tend to harp about all that isn’t well.
• We are so selfish. We seem to appease ourselves with the knowledge that she’s broken and hence we don’t treat her with the same honesty that we treat each other.
• We (R&I) expect her to live up to our expectations. When in reality, we have no right to expect that of anyone. Yet, we do. Time and time again, we judge and perceive people on our scale of morality/intelligence and superficiality.
• We are lucky to have her – and we suck for not knowing how to be there for her. (im such a hypocrite - i'm all about living life on my own terms yet, i have a hard time letting her do the same - pathetic)
• And perhaps, just perhaps, we’ve casted her as the “broken” one thereby trying to make ourselves look and feel better.

Siblings – joyful innit?

I’m sorry R.
For all the times when I slapped you down unknowingly.
For all the times I wasn’t 110% honest with you.
For all the times I assumed you couldn’t handle the truth.
For all the times I treated you like you were a baby.
For all the times I expected you to live your life on my terms.
For all the times I sheltered myself under the pretense of sheltering you.
For all the times my heathen lips spewed hateful words.
For all the times I’ve felt sympathy as opposed to empathy.
For all the times I chose not to walk in your shoes.
For all the times I didn’t give you my hand to hold on to.
And most of all,
For all the moments I missed by being a pig headed brute.

And if you will still have R&me as your friends – we'd love to take another shot at it.
And this time, we promise to get it right and do right by you.

Gosh, Im glad she’s home.

The trinity is once again complete.
Malfunctioning at times but complete nevertheless.


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