Monday, March 14, 2005

2 days of 2 much

“We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are” Anais Nin

Yet another life lesson that had to be vocalized in order to be realized as the truth. Not to mention, a nice piece of realism neatly wrapped in linguistic semantics.

I spent the day scurrying between activities: work at Merl’s and his never-ending demands, a freak storm on the way to dinner at B&M’s and some much needed liquor and chill-time at the Queenshead. Life sprung quite the surprise on me when we walked into the Retro night at the Queenshead and I was amazed at the crowd there. Young looking twenty plus/early thirty something’s jamming to the tunes of the early 80’s. Now, old age seems to have crept into my life and silently placed itself amongst the creases of my physical being.

Yup. Another revelation. You might want to sit down for this one. Because I sure as hell had to.

I have wrinkles. Yup- no word of a lie. Experiential lines have marred the wide-eyed innocence that I so vehemently embrace.

Tiny little baby ones by the corner of my eyes. Laugh lines that have firmly etched themselves into my genetic portrait. I’m slowly and surely becoming my mother. Now, that’s not scary at all because quite frankly, she’s absolutely age-defying – it’s just that I’m faced with a slight dissonance.

You see, I’ve always thought of myself as a “growing child” and inside, somewhere in the abyss of emotion and psychology – I still am. But, on the flip side, I’m accosted by evidence that says otherwise.

Old age has caught me by surprise and bitch slapped me into submission. But, I, much like every other revolutionary spirit, will not just disappear into the woodwork and embrace complacency. I will forge ahead with a full blown persona of immaturity, fun and childishness. And for those who don’t quite get it: that’s just too bloddy effin bad.

S & Magic’s engagement gig – it was a night to remember. The girls really pulled it all together and created a wonderful ambiance with corresponding décor, invites, favours and yummy Thai food. S looked gorgeous, an angel in a blue suit and Magic was an uber contemporary metrosexual donned in exquisite black. They sure do make a beautiful couple. And this was the first time I met Magic’s family –a genuinely likeable bunch of people. As always, S’s brother kicked the jokes and made the slightly uncomfortable evening much more entertaining.

I walked away with one thing that I couldn’t fully resolve: how does ONE person have two sets of friends who are just so vastly different? I don't dislike them and even if i did, that would be okay. After all, you can't like everyone you meet. They just leave me itching to make an exit - its instinctual. We're different as night and day - fun and bland - those that just be versus those that try too god darn hard. And that's okay. It's something that the three of us (R&R&I) have cultivated and turned into an art form - we only bond with like minded souls, no holds barred. And the rest - is merely an exercise in tolerance.

I mean I can understand how it works when you chill with each group on an individual basis – but together, it was disastrous. Rabbits stuck in a fox den. Discomfort exemplified. We spent the better half of the evening cordoned off from the rest of the girls and hung out with Magic – who is now not only a friend but also family. Gawd, I love him. He’s just so bullshit-free and that’s refreshing. A Fresca-kinda guy.

Mmmmm....Fresca. A bubbly grapefruit delight.

Thankfully, we got out in one piece with one clear piece of evidence: this planning process will be long, bumpy and unsettling. Learning to like people that you just don’t jive with can be extremely uncomfortable and unfortunately, in this instance it has to be done. For the love of the couple in question, at least.

I can’t wait for their dum dum dum – it will bode the beginning of something great for them and for us - the end of these group shindigs.

I think I need a vat of liquid cocaine to regain my sanity.


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