Friday, January 30, 2009

Pointless but poignant

How far do you have to fall before you realize you’ve fallen?

Is it the phonetic echo of the thud when your bum grazes twice glazed cherrywood flooring? Or is it the physical drop of your heart floating in the juices of your belly as someone’s lips delivers news it can’t bear to entertain? Or could it be all the moments in between that first feeling of “uh oh” and “this sucks”?

And most importantly, if you fall when nobody is watching, does it really count?

the above is not meant to be cryptic at all. I actually don’t know where it came from – all I know is that I opened a blank document and my fingers threw up a gargantuan mess that assembled itself into something. Something to ponder at least.


I don’t think enough people use the word ponder in their day to day lives. I’m going to single-handedly change that. From now on, I will ponder about using the word ponder as often and much as possible. I will be Little Miss. Ponder. Or maybe MissPonderiffic! I see a bright yellow unitard with tangerine swirls and a pink sparkly headband. *sigh* Sure as heck sounds a lot more fun than how I feel right about now.

I feel sorry for the poor suckers in my life that will have to no doubt endure this for the next 2 hours. Who am I kidding? With my special brand of ADD, I’ll move on and forget all about it in 10mins flat.

It’s almost the weekend. And after this week, which has really felt more like 4 long weeks loosely sewn into one, I’m ready for a kitkatbreak from work. Hence the nonsensical rambling…chalk it up to a Friday kinda fever.

I can't wait to curl up with a good read and a yummy espresso.

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