Tuesday, January 20, 2009


are on my mind.

and on the minds of thousands, around the globe, who will no doubt cluster around television screens, pulled by a force larger than themselves - magnetically, inexplicably - they will wait with bated breath.

and it's quite fitting actually.

that today came after yesterday.

yesterday marked the day when one chocolate-skinned man, decades ago, spoke of a dream when everybody else refused to stand up and speak out. and today, another caramel toned brother will step up on the podium and loudly proclaim that "yes we can" - hope in something larger than what we've had in the past.

i refused to be caught up in the oba-mania spreading like wild fire, globally. but i would be lying if i said a little part of me isn't magnetically drawn to the force that is Barack. Change is on it's way people - whether it's big, small or revolutionary.

the media sits waiting, ready to pounce. the world, with bated breath speak of the "weight of the world" resting on his shoulders. communities, are rallying for the cause of good. But all of it is relative to what we've experienced globally in the past. Nothing will change overnight. Nothing will fix itself so purely that the world will return to a pre-apple-thiefing-eve rosiness. But today, we are once again making history folks - scratch that, we are living history.

but one thing is sure - folks, it is time for a change. and Barack is endearing enough that I can't help but get excited for him.

and for all of us.

whether we succeed in the fight against evil , one thing is certain - we certainly will give it all we've got because YES.WE.CAN.

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