Saturday, January 31, 2009

Top 10 moments of January 2009

A new tradition, for a new year. In an attempt to capture the moments of every month, I will attempt to compile a commemorative list of every month.

1.New Year’s Day: realizations and revelations abound. I finally understood that to be an independent adult, I had to learn to flutter my own wings and fly. Shortly after that I realized that I CAN have it all – nobody can compromise my beliefs except myself.

2. Discovering - a Sri Lankan blog aggregator. It's interesting seeing how the other side of the world relishes this seemingly elusive identity of being Sri Lankan.

3.Pongal 2009 whispered it’s way in and straggled out amidst the craziness of snowstorm after snowstorm. January has been brutal.

4.Having Vaxi aunty inaugurate our crib by accepting a lunch invite. It was super! I realized I love entertaining, even if it does involve a lot of work.

5.Bride Wars with the girls – bad movie but great times. I heart being part of a trinity. The older I get, the more I can count on my siblings. I heart that times a trillion.

6.Mikes and I discovered a common love for tilapia, spinach, chicken potpies and soup in our efforts to eat in more (last year we ate out 3 nights a week + the weekends). We’ve got a nice little marital routine going when it comes to our endeavors in the kitchen. I'm starting to find my groove as a wifey :)

7.Watching Thatha cut his first cake in 75 years and simultaneously realizing how much we have. And incidentally, how lucky we have been.

8.Realizing that I want a little person too. One day. With Mikes. Only.

9.Books relished this month: Michael Ondaatje’s ‘Anil’s Ghost’ , Meera Syal’s ‘Life isn’t all hahaheehee’ and the first 72 pages of ‘Love Marriage’ (I was completely wrong. And blinded by my own insecurities. The novel is becoming a worthy and memorable read. And in good time too.)

10.Fave purchase of the month: Gray nail polish after months of relentless searching. Closely followed my incandescent dance with jcrewing online. Oh yes, and realizing that lying to my warden is probably not the best of ideas, in the long run ☺

And this month is especially, special. Because today, I realized how little I know about the conflict in Sri Lanka. My brain has been assaulted by the many news stories. Human chains and protests in Toronto. And I, found out, just like the rest of the unaffected population did. On tv. And yet, these are supposedly my people. This is apparently the story that has influenced my entire journey - or that of my parents at least.

So my goal for Feb 2009 is to educate myself. I want to really understand the situation there. It’s alarming that we’re using the word “genocide” to describe what Tamil people are going through in Sri Lanka. I want to know more so I can figure out how I can make a difference and be a part of the solution. Not as an International bystander. But. As. A. Sri.Lankan. Ambitious much? Might be. But heck, Bringiton!

And with that I bid January, adieu!

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